Erasmus+ Cooperation
Partnership in Vocational
Education and Training
PROJECT NO. 2021-1-IT01-KA220-VET-000035649
Are you interested in supporting people to improve their career journeys through learning, skills, reskilling and upskilling, work and transitions?
Career guidance describes the services which help people of any age to manage their careers and to make the educational, training and occupational choices that are right for them.
It helps people to reflect on their ambitions, interests, qualifications, skills and talents – and to relate this knowledge about who they are to who they might become within the labour market.
We are six partner organizations from all over Europe – Italy, Finland, Spain, France, Belgium and Ireland.
We collaborate with many stakeholders, which lets us reach very large and diverse audiences.
The project’s results will be released as digital Open Educational Resources because we care about accessibility and sustainability.
Our goal is to innovate career guidance.
The project would like to build up a new generation of professional European Career Guides able to support people to improve their career journey through learning, skills, reskilling and upskilling, work and transitions – a need more and more important especially in difficult and evolving times.
Effective and innovative career guidance should support individuals to act based on 4 elements.
› REFLECT Starting from a personal point of view the individuals are invited to self-awareness, self-consciousness and IKIGAI (a Japanese concept referring to having a direction or purpose in life).
›› GROW Individuals are stimulated to a lifelong learning perspective to personal and professional growth thanks to soft skills, mindsets, antifragility, upskilling and reskilling, frequent Vocational Education and Training, networking.
››› GO OUTSIDE To explore the possibilities and to interact with the job market thanks to personal branding, skills intelligence, networking, understanding the world and how it could affect the personal careers.
›››› MANAGEMENT AND EVOLUTION Management of a position, the evolution of careers, transitions, antifragility and challenges.
- Report: Career Guidance In Europe Policies, systems and relevant cases across europe with evidence-gathering about local and regional needs.
- Handbook: Guidance To Post-covid19 Jobs And Transitions Based on the need to build up a quality career guidance in line with the evolution of the society to be more adaptive to labour market needs and to foster the employability.
- Training Modules: Pedagogy And Psychology For Career Counselling Training of the future career guides including antifragility, mindset building, ikigai, career counselling tips and pedagogical approaches to career guidance.
- Digital Toolkit For Inclusion In Career Guidance: an open educational resource containing materials ready to be used to innovate and empower career guidance practices for inclusion and diversity.
- Other:
- Multiplier events (seminars and webinars)
- A brand-new professional profile of “European Innovator in Career Guidance”
- Website: database of multimedia materials
- no. 2 project newsletters
- Social Networks dissemination (Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin etc.)
- Traditional media dissemination: press, newspapers, radio broadcasts
- Leaflets in all partners’ national languages
- International network